Nichelle Nichols is that kind of person.
I was sitting in the Green Room when she walked in. She sat down across from me and just started talking to me like she knew me all her life. We talked about a varity of things, but one story she told me stuck out and that was her flight to Denver.
I asked her how her flight was and she went into this story how she was hoping for a good flight because she is not fond of turbulence, but that her flight went so well that when she was disembarking, she felt the need to thank the pilot for a great flight.
Well, he must have recognized her because after she thanked him he said “My pleasure Commander”
She thought that was very nice of him.
Anyway, the next day we got to sit down with her and do a proper interview. She was very gracious with her time and was genuinely friendly to all involved. I have to say that I walked away from that weekend with new view of Nichelle Nichols, she is clearly the class act of the TOS Star Trek cast.”
-John Jackson, Founder of
Interview conducted by Christopher Page
[Interview edited by Steve Crump]